All About Money!

All About Money!

What your child can achieve? 

So why all the art that was never painted by your child?

You know, the stuff you REFUSE to authenticate.  The “art” in the book.  The “art” that all the sudden you claim is “us” work. 

For you it was ALL ABOUT MONEY!

The Fraud Never Ends

The Fraud Never Ends

We are amazed how the fraud never ends and how their followers still believe it is the adult teens work despite the videos that are posted.

This is the latest work.  This is CLEARLY not the adult teen’s work.  If you as for authentication, you will be blocked and harassed.  


When will the Federal Trade Commission set in?  When will the Illinois Adult Services step in?

As a side note: On Facebook, you can report each piece of fake art not painted by the adult teen now as fraud.  You must do it from a computer though.  Facebook also needs to take action.  The FBI has already recognized this as fraud.

We Are Getting On Our Soap Boxes

We Are Getting On Our Soap Boxes

It has been a long few weeks dealing with Robert and Sandy Waters.  Their lies have taken a whole new turn down sad and nasty.

Posted on ALL their GoFundMe’s and their petition.  Shared on Facebook.

We know of several calls made for welfare checks and to Adult welfare services.  

We have been watching this go down as we know there is nothing on Twitter stating anything like this.  A simple search of Twitter proves this.  All of the blog and Twitter pages are now at the top of the search engines and their likes are dropping.  People are searching.

This reminds of similar posts like this when the now adult teen was used in a suicide post by Mom & Dad while they were posting spam in medical groups.  We do know calls were made for welfare checks of the teen.  She was fine.

But this is not the first time the teen has been used this way, the parents have also claimed she was suicidal to gain sales of her “art” and book sales.  Yes, the posts are still on her Facebook page.  Funny, how they re-use pictures.



We are also aware of this post which is quite disturbing below.  This should disturb you too!

This was daddy’s godson.  He committed suicide.  Why the hell would mommy comment on this memorial imagine for him with that?  With her past blogs on her true thoughts and current thoughts of “Candy being suicidal”, it really does concern us that is was not all deflection.

See how the public is being played?  How do their followers not see this manipulation and deception?  We are worried about these kids.  Thousands of people are worried about these kids and there is a good reason to be with posts by the parents like this.

This week Sandy and Robert Waters post about GOD.  After all they are GOD fearing people despite all the horrible things they have done to people and let their followers do.

Here is our response to their post:

PROVERBS 21:6, in the BIBLE, forbids the attainment of money through lies and deception.

Clear your conscience and confess your sins to the proper authorities, parents. Stop your scam and stop accepting money for fraudulent art that your child didn’t make.

Faith, love, and hope means practicing it in honesty and not deception of any kind.

GOD also forbids your behaviors you have been doing the stalking, bullying, the libel, the slander, the harassing of disabled people, the doxing of people, the exploitation, the threats, the blackmail….all of it.

Candy Verified Painting

Candy Verified Painting

Sandy and Robert Waters FINALLY posted art that Candy painted that is 100% hers and 100% verified by video and not altered at all.

This is Candy’s TRUE ART.  We thank you for being honest about her work.

NOT THIS NOT CANDY’s WORK.  Please do not feed us the “HUMBLE HELPER” line, this was originally posted long before that phrase came into use.

Note the description.  It is a quote from Einstein, not Candy and should be quoted as such.  #Plagiarism

Please remember Candy is 18 now, a legal adult, as verified by her parents here.

PM Us Privately?

PM Us Privately?

Really, so you want people to message people privately so your libel and slander will go unoticed by the other parties, is that it?  What do you have to hide?  

Seems fishy to us.

Again, a simple Google search shows what Sandra and Robert Waters have done.  Acting all innocent in private message will not do you so good when these people do a Google search.

So What Is It?

So What Is It?

Here you want your 107,700+ followers to believe indirectly that the teen painted this.  No “Humble Helper” nothing.  The comments on this post, tell us that the followers BELIEVE that the teen painted this.

But here you say, “Candy’s new art are doing together”.  Again, lets see that video, as it looks awfully familiar.  

Why not disclose that to the 107,700+ followers, or would that hurt sales?

The Teen Is NOT Being Bullied

The Teen Is NOT Being Bullied

Dear Sandra and Robert Waters:

Your daughter is not being bullied.  A simple Google search will show who is being bullied.  It is any one that has spoken up for your daughter and what you have been doing to her – the exploitation of her, the using of her name to sell art that is not hers, leaving her in dirty clothes, forcing her to paint when she clearly does not want to paint and pushes it away or you have to give her food to continue.  

Alas, you deleted all those videos.  Not to worry, they are all saved and still on the back web.  Nothing is ever gone.

But now, you Mom and Dad, say you use hand over hand (which is illegal in the United States) to claim that you and your daughter did the fine work together as her “Humble Helpers”. 

We do not bite, you would not get those light strokes still.  Prove it with a video.  You still claim you are a foundation, well it is about transparency now – so authenticate it or it is fraud.

Please remember, your teen turns 18 in September, and her NO will mean something then.  You will have to abide by it.

This is one of THREE fundraisers by the Waters.  This particular one is for $10,000.  They have another one for $100,000 and a Facebook one for $1000.


Always deflection.  The teen is not being bullied. A simple Google shows who is doing the bullying and who is being bullied.
This was posted on the Water’s Fundraiser and deleted shortly after.  The public is done.

Tax Warning: GoFundMe donations can cost you a big tax bill

Tax Warning: GoFundMe donations can cost you a big tax bill

If the Waters GoFundMe “Legal Fund” is a success do they realize the pitfalls at tax time? We already know it not a nonprofit GoFundMe account; again proving they are not a “foundation”.

They will also need to report their Facebook Fundraiser to the IRS, Social Security and Food Stamps.

For more details on the Tax Warning: